Mr. Tokifusa Iizuka and his two sons work diligently each day in their small workshop to produce their master pieces…Shigefusa knives. They take every care in each step of the process to ensure total perfection in every knife they make. They only use one kind of steel, which has reached perfection over years of hard work and determination!
The forging, shaping, heat treatment, and even final sharpening/polishing are all done by hand, one by one.
As a finishing step they use Japanese natural stones to make their unique and beautiful Kasumi finish.
All this hard work culminates in knives, whether Kurouchi or Kasumi finish, that do not leave their shop until they have obtained perfectly smoothed/transitioned lines and razor sharp edges.
I am very humbled and proud to have the honor of distributing Shigefusa knives!!
You can read more about our visit here: Sigefusa Visit